
Baptism is going public
about your faith in Jesus

Deloria’s Baptism

“For me, understanding the importance of showing love to those who are in my family that are currently saved and those in my family who are not saved yet is a mirror of God’s endless love and care for all His children. This baptism is me saying yes to reflecting this beautiful characteristic of God.”


Cortney’s Baptism

“Since I have been at Meadows, I have felt my relationship with Christ evolve. This baptism is a testament to that new relationship; a renewal of my original commitment. It is time for me to finally shed my worldly views, life and habits to take a step of faith and walk on a more righteous path.”

Previous Baptisms

MAY 2019



Questions About Baptism?

People often have questions regarding baptism: Why should I be baptized? What if I’ve already been baptized—do I have to do it again? Does it matter if someone is sprinkled or dunked? We would love to help walk you through any questions or doubts you have.

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